Enjoy the just-released District Newsletter—Celebrations and Special Guests: https://klschools.edurooms.com/engage/klsd-news/newsletters/celebrations-and-special-guests

Dear KES Families,
Please Enjoy the March Newsletter !
Have a wonderful weekend!

Incoming Kindergarten Orientation on March 5! Parents and guardians with a child turning five years old on or before December 1, 2025, are invited to attend our Kindergarten Orientation, held at the assigned elementary school based on your address, on Wednesday, March 5, at 7 p.m. Snow Date: Wednesday, March 12. Information about Kindergarten Registration will be provided. This evening presentation is for parents/caregivers only.

School will be in session on Friday, April 11, due to the snow day on February 6.

Enjoy the District's Winter 2025 Newsletter: https://klschools.edurooms.com/engage/klsd-news/newsletters/winter25

Check out the February Newsletter!

Happy New Year! Check out the January Newsletter! https://www.smore.com/21z5q

Submissions for the District's PreKindergarten Lottery will be received January 2 through February 6. Find out more and access the application here: https://www.klschools.org/page/prek-program

Best wishes for a wonderful winter recess. Enjoy the District's December newsletter: https://klschools.edurooms.com/engage/klsd-news/newsletters/holiday-read-48316

New stop-arms and cameras are being installed on all KLSD buses in partnership with Westchester County and BusPatrol. The photo enforcement program comes at no cost to the District and tickets drivers who illegally pass a bus when the red lights are flashing.

Check out the December Newsletter !

We are thankful for each one of you! Read the District newsletter - The Gratitude Edition - here: https://klschools.edurooms.com/engage/klsd-news/newsletters/the-gratitude-edition

Please be patient if you are corresponding with KLSD via email. Microsoft is experiencing outages and is working on the problem.

Enjoy KLSD's newsletter - Falling into Learning: Autumn Highlights, here: https://klschools.edurooms.com/engage/klsd-news/newsletters/falling-for-learning-autumn-highlights-42967

Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween! Check out the latest Newsletter.

Check out the October Newsletter.

Read the District's September Newsletter: https://klschools.edurooms.com/engage/klsd-news/newsletters/building-belonging-in-our-schools

We have had a pawesome first few days!
Here's a link to the September Newsletter:

Looking forward to seeing all the students on the first day of school, Wednesday, September 4th! Here's a link to the August Newsletter: https://secure.smore.com/n/18rwnu

The Board of Education is scheduled to meet on Thursday, August 8, 2024 for a brief public session in order to vote on awarding a bid for the Installation of the Playground Equipment at JJMS. The meeting will be devoted only to voting on this item; therefore, the meeting will not be recorded or live-streamed.